Game of Equations Winners

Congratulations to Knoch Middle Schoolers Brady Bleicher and Carter Manzer who are both winners in the Academic Game of Equations.  They now qualify for States in late February.   
EQUATIONS is the Game of Creative Mathematics. The game of Equations teaches Algebraic concepts, ranging from the six basic operations (+, -, x, ÷, ^, √) at the beginning to very sophisticated math at the high school levels.

A numerical Goal is set by one player using a few of the cubes rolled. Then, players must form a Solution equal to the Goal from the remainder of the 24 cubes rolled (the Resources). For example, the Goal might be 2^5 (2 to the fifth power, 32). A Solution might be (5×5)+8-1. This would be a simple example, but as players advance in mathematical abilities and grade level, the Goals and Solutions become increasingly more complex.